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Welia Health athletic trainers evaluating a football player on the field
Nov 03 2021

A day in the life of an athletic trainer

November 3, 2021  /   Providers, Rehabilitation  /   4-minute read

Emily Richardson, LAT, ATC on the field

If you’re looking for Becky Zelenko, you’re going to have to look further than the Rehabilitation Department at Welia Health. On most days, Becky, a Certified Athletic Trainer, can be found on the field, rink, track, or court.  She is one of Welia Health’s seven athletic trainers who work with area high schools to ensure the safety of student-athletes. She plays an integral role in injury prevention, evaluation, and rehabilitation for the teams she supports.  


As the school day ends
Game day begins

Arrive at the athletic training room before school lets out for the day, prepare supplies and materials for pre-practice or pre-game evaluations and taping.

Injury prevention
Tape ’em up

Evaluate and tape all applicable student-athletes. Luke Keranen, LAT, ATC pictured.


Ready to go

Clean up the training room and grab supplies and materials for the day’s practice or game.

On the sidelines
Part AT, part cheerleader

Head out to watch practices or games.

Part of the team
Injury evaluations and updates

Update coaches as needed, about injured student-athletes.


The post-game
Student-athlete treatments

Head back to the athletic training room to prep for after-practice treatments.

Perform after-practice treatments for student-athletes and update parents/guardians.

Luke Keranen, LAT, ATC pictured.

Call it a day
Wrap up

Clean up the athletic training room, lock up and head home


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