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Physical therapist working with a patient on his shoulder
Nov 03 2023

Seven reasons you should choose physical therapy

November 3, 2023  /   Rehabilitation  /   4-minute read

If you are recovering from an injury or managing chronic pain, physical therapy can be an effective treatment option. Physical therapy uses targeted exercises and movement techniques to help improve mobility, reduce pain and restore function. Welia Health physical therapists treat patients for a variety of conditions, from back pain and joint injuries to neurological disorders and sports injuries. Here are a few of the ways physical therapy might benefit you.

1. Manage pain with a reduced need for opioids

Physical therapy offers a safe and effective solution for relieving pain by reducing inflammation, restoring range of motion, and improving circulation in the affected area. Moreover, it can help you minimize or even avoid the need for risky pain medications. While prescribed opioids may be appropriate in some instances, they simply mask the pain and do not address the underlying source of discomfort. Healthcare providers are increasingly cautious when prescribing opioids due to the potential risks of depression, overdose, withdrawal symptoms, and addiction.

When addressing pain through physical therapy, personalized exercises and techniques are tailored to address your needs and pain levels. As you gradually enhance your strength and flexibility over time, you may discover a reduction in overall pain and an improved ability to manage any remaining discomfort.

2. Avoid surgery

While surgery is sometimes necessary to address a physical condition, a more conservative approach would be to explore physical therapy as a first option. Physical therapy has the potential to alleviate pain and facilitate healing, potentially negating the need for surgery altogether. Furthermore, in cases where surgery is still required, engaging in pre-surgical physical therapy can significantly improve one’s physical condition, enhancing their ability to withstand the procedure and potentially leading to a more favorable recovery outcome.

Certain conditions, such as lower back issues, meniscal tears, knee osteoarthritis, degenerative disk disease, and carpal tunnel syndrome have been shown to benefit from physical therapy because of its non-invasive nature. 

3. Improve mobility and movement

Physical therapy can also help to improve mobility by restoring movement and function to injured or weak areas. This can be particularly important for people recovering from surgery, experiencing chronic conditions like arthritis, or trying to regain mobility after a stroke or other neurological event. Working with a physical therapist promotes the gradual restoration of strength and stamina to perform everyday activities with less difficulty.

4. Increase strength and flexibility

Physical therapy can help increase strength and flexibility, which can be important for athletes or people who engage in physical activity as part of their daily routine. By gradually increasing the difficulty level of exercises and techniques, physical therapists can help patients build muscle and improve their range of motion. This can be a key component of injury prevention and overall wellness. Additionally, as you build strength and flexibility, you may find that you are able to perform tasks with less effort and greater ease.

5. Recover from injury, trauma or stroke

When injuries, trauma, or stroke disrupt our normal functioning and daily activities, physical therapy can play a critical role in recovery. Therapists customize exercises and techniques to alleviate pain, improve function and promote healing. Physical therapy can be used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, back pain, sports injuries, and post-surgical rehabilitation. In stroke cases, physical therapy effectively manages mobility, communication skills and cognitive abilities. Check out this video to learn more about stroke recovery and physical therapy.

6. Prevent falls

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults 65 and older experience falls annually in the US. A significant percentage of these falls result in moderate to severe injuries. To address the risk factors associated with falling, a physical therapist will assess your balance, strength and other contributing factors. Based on the evaluation, an individualized exercise plan or other recommendations will be developed to target and improve these factors.

7. Improve quality of life

Finally, physical therapy can help to improve your overall quality of life by reducing pain, improving mobility, and restoring function. By regaining the ability to perform everyday tasks with ease, you may find that you are able to enjoy previously difficult activities. Improved mobility and overall wellness can lead to greater self-confidence and a more positive outlook on life.

Choose physical therapy

Physical therapy can be an effective and beneficial treatment option for a range of conditions and injuries. By incorporating targeted exercises and techniques into your treatment plan, you may be able to reduce pain, improve mobility and regain function. 

If you are experiencing pain or mobility issues, reach out to Welia Health and schedule an appointment with our Rehabilitation Services team by calling 320.225.3356.

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