Welia Health Connections
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Welia Health  Connections helping you live life well


Apr 15 2024
Close up of an individual wrapping their toes with athletic tape
Orthopedics , Rehabilitation , Sports Medicine

Turf toe troubles: A painful lesson in sports injuries

Welcome to this turf toe tutorial, where we’ll look at the basics of this pesky foot injury. Despite its playful [...]
Oct 20 2023
Orthopedic robotic arm used in surgery

Orthopedic surgeon explains robot-assisted joint replacements

Orthopedic surgeon, Siegfried Feierabend, MD, showcases the groundbreaking use of robotic technology in joint replacements. Experience less pain and faster [...]
Jun 13 2023
Discussing joint surgery with patient

The lead-up and follow-up to joint surgery

The context of joint replacement When planning for joint replacement surgery, it’s easy to focus on the “surgery” part—but what [...]
Apr 17 2023
Patient discussing joint pain with specialist

If you’ve put off joint surgery, let’s talk.

It’s easy to procrastinate on decisions in life that feel major. Joint surgery certainly falls into that category. Many people [...]
Dec 12 2022
Woman walking outside to get exercise for her joints

Joint care and treatment options

When you start feeling joint stiffness or pain in your knees or hips, you might think your only option is… [...]
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Providing advanced diagnostics and treatment for musculoskeletal injuries.

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