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Sep 24 2019

Is joint replacement right for me?

September 24, 2019  /   Orthopedics  /   3-minute read

Have you ever sat on an old couch and felt the metal springs through the cushion? It’s unpleasant and uncomfortable. Cushions are key.

Cartilage is the cushion for our joints. As we age, cartilage becomes brittle and wears away. When this happens, the end of the bones rub together, and it’s much more painful than springs on an old couch.

If your joint pain is unbearable, you could be a candidate for joint replacement. With the procedure, your surgeon replaces the damaged joint with an artificial one. While it might sound complicated, it’s a simple and safe procedure that improves the lives of those who struggle with painful joints.

Are you a candidate for joint replacement?

Joint replacement doesn’t make sense for all patients. Only your provider can determine whether joint replacement is a good treatment option. But here are some factors to consider on your own.

You have pain limiting daily functioning

If you’re having significant pain in joints such as your hip, shoulder or knee, and you’re experiencing a limited range of motion, you might have a damaged joint. Sometimes, simple rehabilitation exercises might help. However, in more severe situations, joint replacement might be best.

Non-invasive surgical treatments haven’t worked

There are a number of first-line, non-surgical treatments for joint pain that your doctor will recommend. They include physical therapy, injection therapy, bracing devices and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen).

If those options haven’t worked, your joint damage may just be too severe, and joint replacement might be right for you.

You’re in overall good health

Joint replacement recovery requires diligent rehabilitation. The procedure itself also requires anesthesia. Your doctor will determine if you’re healthy enough for both the surgical procedure and the rehabilitation before scheduling. Joint replacement is considered major surgery and is typically a last resort to reduce pain and discomfort.

Your joint pain prevents a good night’s sleep

If your joint pain is severe enough that it prevents you from sleeping well and receiving restful sleep, you might be a good candidate for joint replacement.

If you answered “yes” to most of these factors, you might be a good candidate for joint replacement. First, schedule an appointment with your primary physician to discuss your overall health and initial candidacy for the procedure. Your physician will then refer you to orthopedics for a more detailed examination into whether you’re a good fit for joint replacement.

Welia Health provides orthopedic services including surgery. Learn more by talking to your primary care provider who can refer you to an orthopedic surgeon at Welia Health. Call 320.679.1313 to schedule.

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