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Oct 29 2020

When is joint surgery right for you?

October 29, 2020  /   Orthopedics  /   1-minute read

More than a million Americans receive joint replacement surgery every year, but at Welia Health, you’re more than a number. Your healthcare needs are unique to you, and Welia Health is here to help you access the information you need to make that important decision well.

Before committing to orthopedic surgery, doctors often recommend more conservative treatment options. Common alternatives include physical therapy to strengthen the surrounding muscles, medications to reduce inflammation, steroids to reduce pain and swelling, and even minor surgery. These treatments are aimed not at solving the joint problem, but at helping you manage it. 

Taking the next step

Many people reach a point where conservative options like these aren’t enough. Two elements are key in assessing if you’re ready for surgery: how much pain the joint problem is causing, and how significantly it’s affecting your life. If the pain has begun to wear you down emotionally and mentally, it may be time to talk to your primary care doctor. 

Joint replacement can and does make life easier for countless people around the world. But we want to make sure that it’s right for you, so the timing of your joint replacement surgery should be a conversation between you and your doctor. And if you commit to surgery, our team will be with you every step of the way—from your initial appointment, to your postoperative care, to the physical therapy that will help you get back on your feet.

Considering hip or knee replacement? Talk with your primary care provider about whether joint replacement surgery is right for you. Your provider will be able to refer you to Dr. Chad Holien at Welia Health, our surgeon in charge of orthopedic procedures using the Stryker Mako. Call 320.679.1313 to schedule. 

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