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Jul 12 2021

Do vaccines impact fertility, pregnancy?

July 12, 2021  /   Vaccines  /   3-minute read

Do vaccines impact fertility? Pregnancy?

COVID-19 vaccine questions answered by your hometown doctors.

Dr. Katie Kroschel answers questions about the mRNA vaccines and addresses concerns about COVID-19 vaccines related to fertility and pregnancy. Watch the entire video or jump ahead to hear her answers. Links to specific questions are provided below.

COVID-19 Vaccine Answers with Dr. Katie Kroschel

Want to learn more? Hear from other Welia Health doctors as they address even more topics on COVID-19. Ready to roll up your sleeve? Vaccines are free and availableno appointment requiredat Welia Health clinics and communities pharmacies. Visit WeliaHealth.org/Getting-Vaccinated for details.

Vaccines and fertility

There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems. If you are trying to become pregnant now or want to get pregnant in the future, you may receive a COVID-19 vaccine when one is available to you. Like with all vaccines, medical experts are studying COVID-19 vaccines carefully for side effects and will report findings as they become available.

Vaccines and pregnancy

CDC and the FDA have safety monitoring systems in place to gather information about COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and are closely monitoring that information. Preliminary data from these systems are reassuring. They did not identify any safety concerns for pregnant people who were vaccinated, or for their babies.

Recent reports have shown that people who have received COVID-19 mRNA vaccines during pregnancy—mostly during their third trimester—have passed antibodies to their fetuses, which could help protect them after birth. There is currently no evidence that antibodies formed from COVID-19 vaccination cause any problems with pregnancy, including the development of the placenta. There is also no evidence suggesting that fertility problems are a side effect of any FDA-authorized vaccine. Like with all vaccines, scientists are studying COVID-19 vaccines carefully for side effects and will report findings as they become available.

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy can protect you from severe illness from COVID-19. Talk with your provider to help decide whether to get vaccinated.

Vaccine recommendations for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Source: COVID Coalition

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