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Cartoon of Thanksgiving turkey peering around the corner. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
Nov 24 2020

Staying safe at Thanksgiving

November 24, 2020  /   Coronavirus  /   2-minute read

This year, our cherished Thanksgiving traditions of gathering with family and friends may look different. Aim to lower your risk of COVID-19 exposure for yourself, your family and your community.

Lower-risk activities

  • Stay home. Share a turkey or your favorite traditional dinner with only the people who live in your household
  • Schedule a virtual dinner with extended family and friends
    • Share recipes and show off turkeys and other dishes
    • Take turns sharing what you’re most thankful for this year
  • Prepare traditional family recipes for family and neighbors, especially those at higher risk of severe illness, and deliver them in a way that does not involve contact
  • Make an event of watching the Thanksgiving Day parades and football games
  • Dig out your favorite board games
  • Go for a drive with those in your household
  • Shop online or purchase gift cards from local businesses
  • Go for a walk as outdoor activities can be of benefit to your physical and mental well-being during times of reduced social activities.

As part of Dial back, Minnesota, the state has put a temporary pause on indoor or outdoor gatherings except with immediate household members.

High-risk activities

  • Hosting a small dinner with a few extended family members who live in your community
  • Playing sports or other outdoor activities with family or friends
  • Gathering outdoors around a bonfire with a few neighbors

Very high-risk activities to avoid

  • Attending or hosting a medium or large indoor gathering with people who do not live in your household
  • Traveling out of town
  • Shopping in crowded stores before, on, or after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend

We understand following these new guidelines can be difficult and can alter your plans and traditions, but now more than ever, we need your help to help keep our staff and communities safe.

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