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Happy National Rural Health Day!

November 16, 2023  /   Press Releases  /   1-minute read

Celebrating the power of rural!

Join us today, November 16, 2023, by recognizing National Rural Health Day. 

Rural hospitals are an essential and critical part of the health and well-being of all Americans. These hospitals are more than just medical facilities; they are the lifeline of rural towns. Rural hospitals employ the local workforce while serving as a vital access point to emergency care and family medicine – dramatically improving favorable patient outcomes.


  • Rural healthcare organizations employ about 14% of the local workforce. 
  • Rural hospitals account for around 17% of all emergency department visits in the United States. 
  • Rural healthcare organizations provide robust training opportunities, particularly the RPAP program, for third-year medical students, allowing them to experience the whole gamut of medical care in a non-metro setting. Reports show that 50% of those students choose to practice in a rural area.  

Rural care builds strong relationships with community members; after all, the patients seen in house are the same folks at the grocery store or ball game. Everyone cares for each other in rural communities, as we are all friends and neighbors. Rural hospitals do their part by caring for the whole family.

Happy Rural Health Day! 

Welia Health is proud to be part of the rural healthcare network! #RuralHealthDay #HealthcareHeroes

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