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S. Piche, AGNP-C resigns from Welia Health

November 27, 2019  /   Press Releases  /   1-minute read

Note from S. Piche to her patients:

Just shy of two years of advanced practice nursing, I’ve made notice of my resignation from Welia Health. My last day will be January 8, 2020.

This was a very difficult decision for me to make, but to be involved in my young girls’ activities, I needed to find employment that was closer to my home. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of your healthcare journey and will miss our personal interactions.

There are also a host of family medicine providers whom I trust with your care: including three other advance care practitioners available specifically trained in geriatrics: Shannon Koski, NP, Sara Nielsen, DNP, FNP-BC, APRN and starting in December Lindsay Wagenbach, NP. Any one of them are wonderful choices to meet your unique healthcare needs in the future.

Thank you again for allowing me to be your healthcare provider. Please call 320.679.1313, and a member of Welia Health’s care team will work with you to help you find a new provider.

Kindest regards, Stephanie Piche, AGNP-C

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