“New” might be Brianna Fore’s 2019 word of the year. At 2:10 a.m. on New Year’s Day, Brianna delivered the first baby of 2019 born in the new Welia Health (formerly FirstLight Health System) Birthing Center. A new patient, Brianna chose family physician Danielle Bergman, MD for her obstetrics care, a new experience for the now mom of four.
Brianna saw a midwife for each of her three prior pregnancies, and she was somewhat apprehensive about the switch in care. But she quickly realized it wasn’t an issue at all. “Dr. Bergman listens like a midwife,” said Brianna.
A Welia Health lab employee, Brianna also was unsure of being a patient where she worked. But she decided to try it after challenges with her previous care OB provider. Brianna is happy that she changed providers to Welia Health and Dr. Bergman.
“Giving birth in the new birthing center was one of my best hospital experiences. I felt like the doctors, nurses and staff were really there for me and my daughter. They weren’t pushy, rude or snotty, as had been the case at a different, past facility. Especially, nurse Allie (RN) who stayed right with me, dedicating herself to my care.
Brianna Fore
‘They truly heard what I wanted’
Brianna arrived at the emergency department already in labor around quarter after ten, on the thirty-first. Soon after, she was admitted to the Birthing Center, very eager to welcome their daughter into the world. Brianna didn’t have to wait long before settling into her room when she felt like labor was progressing rapidly.
Throughout the entire process, Allie was right there. At one point, intense pain led Brianna to ask Allie for some pain medication, despite wanting to have natural childbirth; as she had with her other three children. But with the birth progressing quite quickly, Allie ended up guiding Brianna through her pain without administering any medication. “In the end, I didn’t need any pain meds, Allie talked me through the pain,” said Brianna. “The experience showed me that they truly heard what I wanted and helped to make it happen.”
Brianna thought that Dr. Bergman was going to miss the birth. The ED doc had scrubbed in and was ready to deliver her baby. Then, right as Brianna started pushing, Dr. Bergman arrived in the nick of time and delivered Rayven Gene to an exhausted and completely overjoyed Brianna and her significant other, Chad.
The Start of a New Relationship
As a Welia Health employee, Brianna knows the organization well. But the new, dedicated Birthing Center is new to everyone. The Birthing Center is now a locked unit with six private, spacious rooms. There is plenty of room for dads, families, and friends during such a joyous time. Brianna commented on how she felt protected and secure and also how much she appreciated the cleanliness and newness of the facility and the spaciousness of the rooms.“It didn’t matter how many people I had visiting, everyone fit, and it was quiet and private,” said Brianna. “Plus, the nurses were good about asking whether I was comfortable with having visitors or not, which I appreciated.”
With Rayven home, the Fore/Reed family is now complete. Brianna’s almost four-year-old daughter Myloh is “very excited” about her new baby sister, while her six-year-old son Ayven thinks Rayven is “the greatest thing ever.” Ten-year-old Bryson is warming up to the third-younger-sibling idea and “has just started engaging with her.”
Brianna is happy that she switched her care to Welia Health—her fourth and final birth experience was her best yet. Now, Brianna is transferring her whole family to Welia Health’s family medicine practice, under the care of Dr. Bergman.
Happy 2019, Fore/Reed family! Congratulations!