Instructions for your virtual visit
Join the session with an Android device–by email
Email message
1. Open your email and open the message you received from Welia Health. It will look like the image below.

2. Next, click ‘Join Session.’

3. click ‘Please RSVP Now’ then click ‘Yes, I Can Make It.’

4. Scroll down to the bottom of your screen and click ‘Install Zoom.’

5. Next, click ‘Download Zoom.’

6. You will then be redirected to the Google Play Store to download ZOOM Cloud Meetings. click the ‘Install’ button.

7. Once Zoom has finished installing, return to your web browsing app.
8. click ‘Enter Waiting Room’ to join the virtual session with your doctor.

9. Secure Video will then prompt you to allow Zoom access permission. click ‘Got it.’

10. A popup will ask you to allow Zoom to record audio. click ‘Allow.’

11. Next, to be able to hear your doctor click the Join Audio button at the bottom of your screen.

12. Then click Call via Device Audio.

13. Now, to use your phone speaker, please click the Sound Icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen.

14. Finally, click the Start Video icon on the bottom of your screen to allow your doctor to see you.
15. Another prompt will pop up asking you to Allow Zoom to take pictures and record video. click ‘Allow.’

16. When you are finished with your session, click ‘Leave’ and then select ‘Leave Meeting.’